
How To Take A Screenshot With JavaScript

Wouldn’t it be great if you could allow users to create screenshots of your website?! Apart from being a fun exercise this feature could come in handy when you’re providing some kind of visual editor. After users customized their individual product, you could show them an image of what they created on checkout.
By paranerd | Oct 9, 2018

How To Detect Swipes In JavaScript

When working on my reverse engineering of 2048 for browsers I wanted it to be playable on mobile devices as well. Problem was, that while you could perfectly use your keyboard to control the tile movement on a desktop, this was not possible on smartphones! Digging through the web I found some partially working solutions but nothing quite good.
By | Oct 8, 2018

How To Start Scripts On USB-Connect

Having a script executed when a USB device is inserted can be quite helpful. I, for example, have an export script that syncs files to a flash drive without any interaction (except putting the drive in, of course). Here’s how you do it: Adding The Rule In /etc/udev/rules.d/ we add a rules-file.
By paranerd | Oct 8, 2018

Hello Progressive Web App | Caching Strategies

This is the last part of the series “Hello Progressive Web App”. Table of Contents Introduction Manifest Service Worker Caching Strategies Debugging There are a bunch of caching strategies out there. Here are two of them that I found particularly useful: Cache Then Network Then Cache 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 this.
By paranerd | Oct 5, 2018

Hello Progressive Web App | Debugging

This is the last post of the series “Hello Progressive Web App”. Table of Contents Introduction Manifest Service Worker Caching Strategies Debugging Last but not least I want to share with you some tricks and places you need to know when debugging your Progressive Web App. First and foremost I recommend using the Chrome Browser for this task as I found it to be much more convenient.
By paranerd | Oct 5, 2018

Hello Progressive Web App | Introduction

In this series I want to introduce you to a technology called “Progressive Web App”. I will give you a general overview of what Progressive Web Apps are as well as detailed instructions on how to implement this. Table of Contents Introduction Manifest Service Worker Caching Strategies Debugging Introduction to PWAs Progressive Web Apps (or PWAs for short) could possibly be the future of mobile app development.
By paranerd | Oct 5, 2018

Hello Progressive Web App | The Manifest

This is part 2 of the series “Hello Progressive Web App”. Table of Contents Introduction Manifest Service Worker Caching Strategies Debugging The manifest of a web app is a JSON file which provides information about that app. Here’s an example of a basic manifest.json: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 { "name": "PWA Tutorial", "short_name": "PWA Tutorial", "start_url": ".
By paranerd | Oct 5, 2018

Hello Progressive Web App | The Service Worker

This is part 3 of the series “Hello Progressive Web App”. Table of Contents Introduction Manifest Service Worker Caching Strategies Debugging A service worker is a type of web worker. Its job is to intercept network requests, cache files, retrieve those files from cache and deliver push messages. A great introduction to this technology can be found here.
By paranerd | Oct 5, 2018

How To Remove Classes By Prefix In Vanilla JavaScript

Removing a class from an HTML-Element with JavaScript is easy enough. You could use jQuery for it by calling 1 $(node).removeClass(className); or, just as simple, go vanilla with: 1 2 var node = document.getElementById(id); node.classList.remove(className); But what if you wanted to remove all classes starting with a prefix? Assume we have a DOM-Node like this:
By paranerd | Oct 4, 2018

Decrypting Files With AES-256 In PHP

This post is part of a series about symmetric encryption with AES-256 in PHP.

In this last part of our series we’re going to learn how to decrypt files we previously encrypted using our Crypto class.

By paranerd | Oct 1, 2018