
Docker Logging With Elasticsearch Logstash and Kibana 8.x

The ELK-Stack is one of the most popular logging platforms. It is flexible, well integrated and most of all: extremely powerful! But with great power comes… great complexity. It took me many hours (more than I’d like to admit) and a lot of very frustrating trial and error to get everything talk to each other the right way.
By paranerd | Jun 2, 2023

How to Set Up Your Own VPN Using WireGuard

Setting up your own private VPN got so much easier with the rise of WireGuard. Let me show you how it’s done! I’m sure there are numerous reasons why you would set up a VPN yourself. In my particular case, I wanted to be able to connect to my home network remotely.
By paranerd | Aug 9, 2021

How to Use Let's Encrypt With Docker and Cloudflare

I wrote about Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates before on this blog but I recently discovered an even better way of doing things! Apart from actually having a domain that you could issue a certificate for, all you need for this to work is a (free) Cloudflare account to manage your DNS records as well as have Docker installed on your server.
By paranerd | Aug 9, 2021

How to Use Tailwind CSS With Angular 10 (Update)

This is an update to my previous article on how to set up TailwindCSS with Angular 10. Apparently, packages since got updates, which change some of the steps required. Also I’ll show you a hassle-free one-line-solution that takes care of all the configuration. Amazing content coming up! The easy way First let me show you the lazy man’s solution.
By paranerd | Oct 25, 2020

How to Use Tailwind CSS With Angular 10

IMPORTANT UPDATE: Since the release of this article, some things changed, so the solution described below will very likely no longer work. But don’t worry, I got you covered with my follow-up article! Some time ago I started using Tailwind CSS to style my web projects. But while Tailwind is a pleasure to use, it was a major pain to get it to work nicely with Angular.
By paranerd | Oct 1, 2020

Tailwind CSS – Just another Framework?

Using a CSS framework makes the life of a web developer a whole lot easier. There are a bunch of them out there, most of you probably know about Twitter’s Bootstrap, which I’ve been using for the past decade or so. But there’s a new kid on the block: Tailwind CSS.
By paranerd | Oct 1, 2020

Simple Collision Detection in JavaScript

I’ve been playing around developing some simple games (pun intended^^) from time to time, just for the fun of it. To do that I very often come across some kind of collision detection. I thought I’d show you an easy way of detecting collisions in JavaScript! What is a collision? Before we even start coding, we need to think about what it actually is that we want to detect.
By paranerd | Apr 5, 2019

How To Parse CSV With JavaScript

CSV files (short for Comma-Seperated Values) are a great way to exchange tabular data in a plain text file. This is what it might look like: name,age,location john,36,chicago pierre,31,paris james,27,newcastle The first row of this file is called the header, telling us what each column is about. The rest of the rows are just data.
By paranerd | Nov 29, 2018

How To Read Files With JavaScript And FileReader

Analysing files in PHP is easy. But what if you want to access the content of a file without the overhead of sending it to a server first (e.g. for displaying a thumbnail before uploading an image)? JavaScript provides a neat little API to achieve just that. It’s called FileReader. Let’s find out what it can do!
By paranerd | Oct 29, 2018

How To Build A Live Chat With WebSockets

WebSockets are a fascinating technology, a TCP-based network protocol that allows for asynchronous bi-directional communication. The client starts a connection, sends a request and gets a response – just like HTTP. But much unlike HTTP this connection is kept alive! This has many advantages, like Faster responses (no re-establishing connections) Less trafic (no overhead for HTTP-headers) Live updates (no periodic polling, but push notifications) If you want to learn more about WebSockets, I recommend this introduction.
By paranerd | Oct 17, 2018